Welcome to RodPlans.com
This is the source for tech tips, blue prints, drawings and plans for the do it yourself automotive hobbyist. Regardless of the type of vehicle you are building we have the products and free information that will save you time and money. For the more challenging projects we offer blueprints and detailed instructions to help the backyard builder turn his dream into reality at a cost he can afford.
RodPlans Projects Past and Present
I have been building and enjoying HotRods for over 37 years now. I have built, driven and raced a lot of cars over the years. Putting this page together made me wonder where these cars are now. I hope you enjoy viewing some of my past projects.
Customer Project cars
Here is your chance to show the world what you are building in your garage. Please E-mail (
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) me a photo or two of your project or completed car to share with the others who visit this site.
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